Young Professionals and Students
The future of water and wastewater management relies on the technical and professional development, as well as excitement and participation, of our youngest members.

Young Professionals are WEF/WEAO members with five years or less of experience in the wastewater industry, and who are under 35 years of age. The Committee supports the professional development of Young Professionals and current Students, and host social activities throughout the year. Membership is obtained through the Water Environment Federation (WEF). Visit Join WEF to sign up as a Young Professional or Student member. Membership includes both WEF and WEAO.
The Young Professionals Committee has many dedicated and active volunteers. We appreciate the time and effort that these enthusiastic young professionals and students give back to WEAO. For a complete committee listing, click here.
Twitter @WEAOYP
Linkedin WEAO Young Professionals

Committee Chair
Sabrina Chang
C3 Water
Stephanie Choo-Wing
Toronto Water
Govind Nadadur
Narasimman Lakshminarasimman
University of Waterloo
Ra’ad Rihani
Dodge Yu
University of Waterloo
Michael Blain
Associated Engineering
Alison Cox
GM BluePlan Engineering
Jesus Flores
Samantha Halloran
City of Guelph
Tais Santiago
C3 Water
Stephanie Tran