Canadian Residuals and Biosolids Conference

Registration closes September 16 at 4:30pm, NO ONSITE REGISTRATION:
- Earlybird Pricing is $525 plus HST ends July 15
- Pricing is $700 plus HST after July 15
Note: All presenters must be registered as an attendee
- Exhibit Booths (10×10)
- Earlybird Pricing is $800 plus HST (Includes one attendee registration)
- Pricing is $1000 plus HST after July 15
Cancellation & Refund Policy:
- Cancellation must be emailed to
- Conference registration canceled on or before July 15, 2022 is refundable, but subject to a $100 administrative fee.
- Cancellations received on or after July 16, 2022 will not receive a refund. The refund and cancellation policy will not be waived. Registration fees may be transferred to another individual; the invoice for the new registration will be revised to reflect the new registrant’s membership status.
- In the event WEAO must cancel the conference due to government restrictions, WEAO will refund the cost of registration. However, WEAO does not assume responsibility for any additional costs, charges, or expenses including charges made for travel and lodging.